Title only - Copy - smaller 50croppedSeychelles is a small island state in the Indian Ocean. It fares well on key social and economic indicators and is widely respected internationally for its pioneering work on the development of small island states and the potential of the Blue Economy.

In 2009 the country launched its own university, offering local access to world-class degrees at postgraduate as well as undergraduate level. In turn, the presence of well-qualified academics has led to an active research community, with the formation of four specialist institutes, focusing on: the Blue Economy; Creole Language and Culture; Peace and Diplomacy; and Education and Society.

To encourage and reflect research at the university, a journal, Island Studies: Indian Ocean/Océan Indien, was launched in 2014. Building on this experience, in the tenth year of the university’s short history, Island Studies was succeeded by this present publication, Seychelles Research Journal (SRJ).

Seychelles Research Journal is an online publication with a rigorous refereeing process for scholarly articles. In the interests of sharing knowledge as widely as possible it is open access, making it free to all users. There are two issues each year, in February and August.

The aim of the journal is to disseminate findings of research undertaken locally or reported at conferences or other events in Seychelles, and to publish other articles about Seychelles and the immediate region. While it is produced by the University of Seychelles, it is intended to include articles and reports of research undertaken in other local institutions as well. It will be inclusive in demonstrating the vitality of research in various forms. Boundaries are drawn loosely in another way, too, to include relevant research findings in neighbouring islands and other small island states.

Information on how to submit proposed articles and on the refereeing process is explained elsewhere in this website.